Monday, February 13, 2006

A heavenly experience .......

Miracles do happen. Dont they?
The very feeling that you have been the source of evolution of a new living being gives you a high. And what a marvel it is! Really, there is a God up above!
My wife and I had been waiting for this day for nine long months;finally the long wait has paid off. We got to meet our cute little baby.
The closed eyes! Those tightened palms ! Tiny hands, fingers, and the feet which feel softer than velvet!
When her eyes are open, she spends much of the time studying faces. She would grab onto your finger if you place it in her palm. She would cry uncontrollably if she doesnt get her share of food immediately. And yes, she sleeps when she listens to a ringtone on the mobile.
She sleeps nicely all through the day. And keeps my wife awake throughout the night (how rude...hmmm,.... how cute! Well, I can't really decide on that).

For both of us, having a baby has been a major, life-changing experience. It would be the same for any couple who have got their first kid. And we have been going through a broad range of feelings ever since. We experience everything from elation to concern to a sense of being overwhelmed to unrestrained joy. And the feelings change suddenly, and unpredictably.

She cries, just letting me think that in a few months she would be crying for never-ending reasons; crying to get her a chocolate, a ride on my shoulder outside the apartment(that would not be shorter and less exciting than a trip round the world for her), crying to stop me from going to office. Oh, I would love to stay back on that note.
Soon a day would come when this tiny kid would be demanding a vehicle of her own to go to school. A new mobile, an mp3 player(well mp4 are already doing rounds) and a mini dvd player may be.And mind it, all of them during school itself. I dare not think of her demands during her college period.
Her demands would rise along with her age. Her college days would be spent with new friends(lots of them; gals and guys). My daughter is going to be the most enchanting lady, with people being envious of her looks and brains. Someday, she would tell me, "Dad, this is my first paycheck....Can I dedicate it to my grandpa whom I could never see?" I could feel my eyes get wet.
One day, she would show me the picture of a nice looking guy, telling, "Dad, this is the guy I want to marry. How do you find him? Nice, eh?"
I would say, " Dear, your mother wont agree to this. She would rather find someone of her own. The one who would suit to her criteria. You know her!"
"Dad! Thats why I am showing you! And you have told, you would agree to whatever I ask for, "if" it is reasonable!"
"Sorry, little girl! Mamma is the final authority on such issues..."
She would slam her bedroom door and sulk....................


The phone slipped out of my hands. My baby was crying on the phone. She is with her mother and maternal grandparents. I havent met her yet. Her pictures adorn the doors of the wardrobe in my bedroom. My wife has put the phone near her mouth so that I could listen to her loud cries.

I would be with my daughter in a few days....till then I keep thinking of her and her demands which I would love to fulfill.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Belief in the Ultimate

There are two kinds of people in this world; one who believe in God and one who dont. There has been enough debate on the topic : Does God really exist?
My sister had been an extremely talented student throughout her career. And she attributed her success to her hard work only. Before going for her exams, she would never bow before God or even pray for success because she was of the opinion that if she has prepared well, then she can definitely answer the questions. She really didnt need those supernatural powers that many of us really hope for during such times.
But today, after 15 years into her marriage and 2 school going kids, she is a completely changed person. Her perception has changed. And her perception has really taught me something. God is not someone who sits on a throne and who waits for your prayers to turn towards you. Neither does he have a kitty full of wishes to be given in charity to needful people. If it were, then going by the faith and devotion that a person has on God, nobody on this earth would be suffering from pain.
God is somebody who you put your faith on; whom you believe blindly on. You believe that there is some supreme power who is there to listen your woes and help you gain strength. You surrender yourself in front of him. That very thought of having somebody supreme guiding you and acting as a shield on you makes you feel strong. You dont feel alone. God is not a magician. Yet, your belief in his existence and eventually,his presence in your beliefs can work wonders. It will soothe your troubled mind.

Let me start something I like the most....

Well, there are numerous people who love writing.......and they convey their feelings through their blogs. I feel proud in my own way to join this league....officially putting forth my wish to let my emotions start pouring like hot porridge. My writings would include parts from my own life and lives I come across. I will encourage my readers to give back their comments.